Thursday, February 28, 2013


Student Success Statement
"Success is dependent on effort."
- Sophocles, Greek dramatist
I agree because if you do good and put in a lot of effort you will always succeed in life and not have trouble.

How to take on college studying part 2

  How to take on college studying
Part 2
  • The best places to study have good light, a comfortable temperature and enough desk space—usually your dorm room, your apartment or the library.

 Improve your study habits
Here are simple steps you can take to help you get a handle on studying.
·        Have a routine for where and when you study.
·        Choose reasonable and specific goals that you can accomplish for each study session.
·        Do things that are harder or require more intense thought at your most productive time of the day.
·        Take breaks if you need them so you don’t waste time looking at material but not absorbing it.
·        Get to know students whom you respect and can study with or contact to ask questions.
·        Keep up with the workload and seek help when you need it.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Student Success Statement

Student Success Statement
“So often, in our quest to be more popular and to be part of the “in-group,” we lose sight of things that are far more important.”
Sean Covey
I think this means that people rather try to fit in with other people to look cool but don’t realize what’s right and better for them rather than just doing what’s wrong.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens
Habit 4
4. Think Win-Win
This habit encourages the idea that in any given discussion or situation both parties can arrive at a mutually beneficial solution. Your tee will learn to celebrate the accomplishments of others instead of being threatened by them. Win-Win is abundant. It is the belief that there’s plenty of success to go around. It’s not a matter of who gets the biggest piece of the pie. There’s more than enough food for everyone. It’s an all-you can-eat buffet.
Win-win always creates more. Perhaps the most surprising benefit of thinking Win-Win is the good feelings it brings on. The true test of whether or not you are thinking Win-Win or one of the alternatives is how you feel. Win-Lose and Lose-Win thinking will cloud your judgment and fill you with negative feelings. Win-Win will fill your heart with happy and serene thoughts. It will give you confidence. Even fill you with lights. Think Win-Win or no deal.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

7 Habits of Highly Successful Teens
Habit 3: Put First Things First
Habit 3 is about Will and Will not power. This habit helps teens prioritize and manage their time so that they focus and complete the most important things in their lives. Putting first things first also means learning to overcome fears and being strong during difficult times. Its living life according to what matters most.
Important or not important urgent or not urgent. Lets look at the four quadrants of time management.
Quadrant 1: Things that are important and Urgent
Quadrant 2: Things that important but not urgent.
Quadrant 3: things that are not important but urgent.
Quadrant 4: Things that are not Important and Not Urgent.

1. Important and urgent
2. Important but not urgent
3. Not important but are urgent
4. Not important and are not urgent
 Quadrant 2 is the ideal place to spend our time, doing things that are important but not urgent. Here’s where priorities come into play. The results for living quadrant 2 are:
1. Control of your life
2. Balance
3. High performance

Monday, February 11, 2013

                                 7 Habits of Highly Successful Teens
                                      Habit 1
Habit 1: Be Proactive
Being proactive is the key to unlocking the other habits. Help your teen take control and responsibility for he life. Proactive people understand that they are responsible for her own happiness or unhappiness. They don’t blame others for their actions or feelings. Proactive people realize that the ball is on their court, that they are the captain of their own ship, that they are in control, control of their own decisions, thoughts, choices, goals, actions, and priorities. Proactive people are self-starters, they don’t wait to be told what to do, they press forward with enthusiasm toward the achievement of their assignment, their duties, their responsibilities, their obligations.
                                                CHOOSE THE RIGHT!!

Friday, February 8, 2013

Ten Tips for Student Success
                                St. Johns University
1.  Attend your classes. Remember in the words of Woody Alan Seventy percent of success in life is showing up.
2.  Know your faculty. Make sure you know who teachers are, when their office hours are and how to contact them.
3.  Make sure the faculty knows you. Sit in the front of the classroom. Participate in class discussions. Consult with your teacher during office hours.
4.  Use a daily planner. Note the date of exams, assignments, term papers, etc.
5.  Be organized. Priortize your responsibilities. Manage your time. Remember everyone has the same 168 hours a week, only some of us use them better than others.
6.  Know your campus resources. Visit your Academic Dean Office regularly. Become familiar with the services and programs offered by the Counseling Center, The Freshman Center, The Career Center, The Campus Ministry Office and The Student Life Office.
7.  Take care of your health. Get enough sleep. Eat well-balanced meals. Exercise regularly. Make informed and mature decisions about alcohol, sex and things. Visit the health office if needed.
8.  Work only as necessary.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Profile of a Successful Student
Part 3
You don’t have to be a computer expert to be successful in online learning-but you must have access reliable Internet access, as well as a basic level of competency in using them. Owning a computer with Internet access from your home is ideal but many students use the computer labs on campus or at their offices to complete their work.
We said you don’t have to be a computer expert to be in successful in online learning. However, there are some basic technical skills you should have mastered prior to enrolling in an online course.
                           CHOOSE THE RIGHT!!!

Monday, February 4, 2013

Profile of a Successful Student
                   Part 1
A successful student…
… takes responsibility for his/her own learning
Online learning can be a powerful, stimulating, engaging experience for the student who can work and think independently. However, since most-if not all- of the learning takes place on your own time, you will not have the kind of direct supervision you would in a classroom. Online learning therefore requires a significant commitment from you. All education comes down to what you’re willing to invest in the experience- this is particularly true in the online environment. Commitment, self-motivation are all key qualities to ensuring success in an online course!
… is comfortable and confident with written communication
Reading and writing are the basis of most online courses, so it’s critical that you feel comfortable with this form of communication. While some courses contain modules that include videos or other activities, all of them require a significant amount of reading.
                   CHOOSE THE RIGHT!!! 

Friday, February 1, 2013

Successful Students
10. Successful students are good time managers. Successful students do not procrastinate. They have learned that the title control is life control and have consciously chosen to be in control of their life.
       An elemental truth: you will either control time or be controlled by it! It’s your choice: you can lead or be led, establish control or relinquish control, steer your own course or follow others. Failure to take control of their own time is probably the no. I study skills problem for college students. It ultimately causes many students to become non-students. Procrastinators are good excuse-makers.
                           CHOOSE THE RIGHT